the true/sealed words of the Gospel according to John (*the 1st book - spread upon the earth) together

with the secret words of the Gospel according to Thomas (**the 3rd book - spread upon the earth)

*written/created** by Nicodemus with the Holy Ghost in AD. 26

become John + Thomas recreated

the unsealed words (**the 2nd book - not spread upon the earth)

Note: The Gospel according to Thomas contains 115 Sayings.

Nicodemus’ 1st Book - the Gospel according to John - Chapter 4(35-39)

Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth. I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours. And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did. [Note: This book was spread upon the earth.]

Nicodemus’ 2nd Book - John + Thomas - The Secret Words of Thomas Saying (41) were created from John 4(35-39)

Jesus said: Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.4(35) + whoever has in his hand: And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.4(36) + to him shall be given: And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth.4(37) + and whoever does not have: I sent you [Nicodemus and John] to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour:4(38t) + from him shall be taken: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours [Nicodemus the same Moses and John the same Abel].4(38b) + even the little which he has: And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.4(39) [Note: This book was not spread upon the earth. The draft was destroyed once Nicodemus created the Gospel of Thomas. John + Thomas couldn’t be recreated until after the Gospel of Thomas was discovered in 1945.]

     Note: Nicodemus created the Gospel of Thomas from his Gospel of John by creating secret words from specific information as he read his Gospel of John from the beginning to the end. As he created the secret words, he kept adding them to the previous ones until they formed the Saying he desired (Jesus said + whoever has in his hand + to him shall be given + and whoever does not have + from him shall be taken + even the little which he has). When he finished reading his Gospel of John, he now had 115 SAYINGS which became his Gospel according to Thomas (after he rearranged the Sayings to conceal their original order). He did all this after he received the Holy Ghost [Saturday/Sabbath 15th Day (light/day), the same Day of Jesus’ death/resurrection (Saturday/Sabbath 15th Day (dark/night + light/day) according to John + Thomas].

Nicodemus’ 3rd Book - the Gospel according to Thomas - Saying (41) - Coptic/English Publication

Jesus said: Whoever has in his hand, to him shall be given; and whoever does not have, from him shall be taken even the little which he has. [Note: This is Saying 25 according to the original order and this book was spread upon the earth.]

Thomas 88(8-9) Part 3 of John Chapter 16: and the prophets: I have yet many things to say unto you [his chosen disciples], but ye cannot bear them now.16(12) + will come to you: Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:16(13t) + and he will show you: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.16(13b-14)

Thomas 19(17-18) Part 6 of John Chapter 1: Jesus said, blessed is he who was before: And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. And I [John] knew him [Jesus] not: but he [the LORD] that sent me [Aaron] to baptize with water, the same [Adam] said unto me [Abel], Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same [Eve] is he [Jesus] which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. And I [John the same Abel/Aaron] saw, and bare record that this [Jesus/Eve] is the Son of God.1(32-34) [Note: Eternal life was from the Beginning (John the same Abel/Aaron, Nicodemus the same Noah/Moses/Isaiah, Lazarus the same Enoch/Elijah, etc.)].

     John 5(39): Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Scriptural Parallels and Echoes

The first thief and liar - Mark 4(25) - The first false gospel

For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath [taken from Thomas Saying 41(16-18) Part 6 of Chapter 4].

The second thief and liar - Matthew 13(12) - The second false gospel

For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath [taken from Thomas Saying 41(16-18) Part 6 of Chapter 4 - Matthew took from Mark].

The third thief and liar - Luke 8(16-18) - The third false gospel

No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light [taken from Thomas Saying 33(13-17) Part 9 of Chapter 4]. For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad [taken from Thomas Saying 5(12-14) Part 4 of Chapter 6 or Thomas Saying 8(21-23) Part 5 of Chapter 8]. Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have [taken from Thomas Saying 41(16-18) Part 6 of Chapter 4 - Luke took from Matthew].

The Sayings contained in the Gospel of Thomas have no value except for keeping the secret words which formed them in a specific order. The synoptic gospel writers (Mark, Matthew and Luke) are not only thieves but also liars because they used many of the Sayings (whole/parts) from the Gospel of Thomas as if they had value (they even have Jesus explaining ‘the parable of the sower’ - Saying 9). The secret words which formed the Sayings have great value but only when placed back into the Gospel of John revealing the information they were originally created from or created for. The Lord knew that in time he would expose these writers as thieves and liars by allowing one to recreate John + Thomas. As you have and will continue to see, that has now been accomplished.

*PART 3 - The Secret Words of Thomas Saying (67) were created from John *Chapter 15(11-15)

Jesus said: These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.15(11) + whoever knows: This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.15(12) + the all: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.15(13) + but fails: Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.15(14) + himself: Henceforth I call you not servants;15(15t) + lacks: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth:15(15t) + everything: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.15(15b) [Note: This is Saying 85 according to the original order.]

Thomas Saying (67) End - Thomas Saying (86) Begin

END: but fails: Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.15(14) + himself: Henceforth I call you not servants;15(15t) + lacks: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth:15(15t) + everything: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.15(15b) BEGIN: Jesus said: Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.15(14) + the foxes have their hole: Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth:15(15t) + and the birds: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.15(15b)


Note: End/Begin - The secret words which begin a new Saying (86) are always created from the verse/verses which the previous Saying (67) has already covered/ended with. Therefore, the verse/verses will be the same but the secret words will be different. This End/Begin method which Nicodemus used to create the Sayings has allowed me to locate where all the Sayings belong in the Gospel of John since the Sayings contained in the Gospel of Thomas are not in their original order.

*PART 4 - The Secret Words of Thomas Saying (86) were created from John *Chapter 15(14-20)

Jesus said: Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.15(14) + the foxes have their hole: Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth:15(15t) + and the birds: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.15(15b) + have their nest: Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that ye love one another.15(16-17) + but the Son of man has: If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.15(18-19) + no place to lay his head: Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you;15(20t) + and to rest: if they have kept my saying [Jesus said, from Adam], they will keep your's also.15(20b) [Note: This is Saying 86 according to the original order.]

Scriptural Parallels and Echoes

The second thief and liar - Matthew 8(20) - The second false gospel

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head [taken from Thomas Saying 86(34-3) Part 4 of Chapter 15].

The third thief and liar - Luke 9(58) - The third false gospel

And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head [taken from Thomas Saying 86(34-3) Part 4 of Chapter 15 - Luke took from Matthew].

The writings which Nicodemus prepared in the past for this moment in time have now revealed the Truth and no one in this world will be able to undermine it. Nicodemus was a man of the Pharisees, a ruler of the Jews and one of John’s disciples who became one of Jesus’ chosen twelve. His Gospel according to John is an eyewitness account of what was said and done in the last three years that the Messiah (the Christ) called Jesus walked upon the earth. He is the only one who had access to all the people he wrote about in his Gospel, especially John, the Pharisees, the high priest, the chief priests and Pilate. Today the Gospel according to John will be found in the New Testament but it is not a Christian writing. The Gospel according to Thomas was found amongst Gnostic writings but it is not one of theirs. Yet, in this manner both Gospels have survived to this day. John + Thomas could not be recreated until after the Gospel of Thomas was discovered in 1945 and first published in 1959. I’m the one who was allowed to recreate it (make it one again). Once I removed the Gospel of John from the new (false) testament and placed it with the writings of the Old (Original) Testament where it belongs (being the true End to the Beginning which also reveals the Beginning), all the writings which remain in the new testament belong to the roman catholic church and have nothing to do with the Truth. If they want their status quo to remain, all they need to do is undermine John + Thomas. The same is true for all the other Christian denominations.

     Thomas 114(27-28) Part 5 of John Chapter 19: The Gospel: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin.19(20b) + according to Thomas [Nicodemus]: Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews. Pilate answered, What I [Pilate] have written [JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS] I [Thomas - Nicodemus/Moses] have written [in the Gospel of John - JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS].19(21-22)

     Thomas 71(34) Part 6 of John Chapter 19: Jesus said: Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he [Jesus] said, I am King of the Jews. Pilate answered, What I have written I have written.19(21-22) + I [Nicodemus] shall: What I have written [the Gospel of John] I have written [the Gospel of Thomas].19(22b)

     Thomas 4(8-9) Part 2 of John Chapter 21: and he will live: This is the disciple [Nicodemus] which testifieth of these things [the eyewitness], and wrote these things [with the Holy Ghost]: and we [the other chosen 10 disciples of Jesus - Simon Peter (Simon called Peter), Thomas called Didymus, Nathanael, James and Matthew, Lazarus, Andrew, Philip, Joseph the father of Jesus and Judas not Iscariot] know that his [Nicodemus’ the same Noah/Moses/Isaiah] testimony is true.21(24End) - The Gospel according to John (but secretly the Gospel according to Nicodemus). [Note: In the Gospel of John there is no chosen disciple by the name of John but there is in the false gospels (Mark, Matthew and Luke) which were created after John + Thomas and after AD. 70.]

     Thomas 111(6) Part 7 of John Chapter 19: Jesus said: Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he [Jesus] said, I am King of the Jews. Pilate answered, What I have written I have written.19(21-22) + the heavens will be rolled up: What I [Nicodemus] have written [in the Gospel of Thomas] I [the same Isaiah] have written [in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah].19(22b)

     Isaiah 34(4): And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.

My only task in all this was to take all the secret words from all the Sayings contained in the Gospel of Thomas and then place them with the information contained in the Gospel of John from which the secret words were originally created from or created for. Once I accomplished that, the information they now revealed as one undermined all the writings which came after them (the writings inside and outside the new testament). Therefore, there is nothing left of value for anyone to undermine John + Thomas with. Here I should mention that the secret words do confirm that all the verses contained in the Gospel of John (King James Version) are as they were in the original Gospel. Therefore John 5(3b-4), 7(53) to 8(11) and all of Chapter 21 are part of the original writing. Those who say otherwise will be calling Nicodemus and the Holy Ghost liars.

Thomas 6(21-23) Part 5 of John Chapter 8: for there is nothing hidden: And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.8(45) + that shall not be: Which of you convinceth me of sin?8(46t) + revealed: And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?8(46b) + and there is nothing covered: He that is of God heareth God’s words;8(47t) + that shall remain: ye therefore hear them not,8(47c) + without being uncovered: because ye are not of God.8(47b)

Note: Source Material: The ‘holy’ Bible - King James Version and The Gospel According to Thomas. Coptic Text Established and Translated by: A. Guillaumont, H.-Ch. Puech, G. Quispel, W. Till & Yassah 'Abd Al Masih (English text - Paul S. Minear of Yale University Divinity School). Harper & Row Publishers, Copyright E.J. Brill 1959. [Note: Original Copyright for the Gospel of John, the Gospel of Thomas and John + Thomas - Nicodemus AD. 26. I was allowed to use the Gospel of John and the Gospel of Thomas to recreate John + Thomas. Today the Gospel of John contains 879 verses (1000 - 1 - 120 = 879) and the Gospel of Thomas contains 1,060 secret words (1000 + 60 = 1,060) which formed the 115 Sayings. Now you will begin to understand that Nicodemus prepared all these things with the Holy Ghost in the past for this moment in time. John + Thomas will prove that all the other gospels contain the lies which men created to fulfill their own desires.

Note: None of my research material is to be copied in any way without my written permission. Copyright P.T.L. 2007/2024 (Home page and Introduction). JOHN CHAPTERS 1 to 21 + THOMAS - Copyright P.T.L. (Peter T. Lucyk) 1994/2024. John + Thomas Recreated - Copyright © Peter T. Lucyk 2018, No.1153769. Email:

Note: After Nicodemus created the Sayings for his Gospel of Thomas, he then rearranged the order in which they were created. The following is the original order in which Nicodemus created the *115 Sayings.

     John Chapter 1: Saying (40) is 1, (35) is 2, (34) is 3, (28) is 4, (37) is 5, (19) is 6.

     John Chapter 2: Saying (75) is 7, (76) is 8, (74) is 9, (52) is 10, (51) is 11, (56) is 12.

     John Chapter 3: Saying (49) is 13, (62) is 14, (50) is 15, (32) is 16, (20) is 17, (21 top) is 18, (21 bottom) is 19.

     John Chapter 4: Saying (47) is 20, (36) is 21, (30) is 22, (29) is 23, (27) is 24, (41) is 25, (48) is 26, (31) is 27, (33) is 28.

     John Chapter 5: Saying (59) is 29, (60) is 30, (44) is 31, (22) is 32, (23) is 33.

     John Chapter 6: Saying (*9 part 1) is *34, (*6 part 2) is *35, (3) is 36, (5) is 37, (18) is 38, (24) is 39, (25) is 40, (26) is 41, (17) is 42, (16) is 43, (10) is 44.

     John Chapter 7: Saying (55) is 45, (58) is 46, (57) is 47, (53) is 48, (54) is 49, (65) is 50, (72) is 51, (73) is 52, (68) is 53.

     John Chapter 8: Saying (66) is 54, (39) is 55, (38) is 56, (43) is 57, (*6 parts 1 and 3) is *35, (45) is 58, (46) is 59.

     John Chapter 9: Saying (42) is 60, (64) is 61.

     John Chapter 10: Saying (*9 part 2) is *34, (13) is 62.

     John Chapter 11: Saying (77) is 63, (70) is 64, (79) is 65, (80) is 66, (78) is 67, (69a and 69b) are 68.

     John Chapter 12: Saying (14) is 69, (7) is 70, (8) is 71, (2) is 72, (11) is 73, (12) is 74.

     John Chapter 13: Saying (85) is 75, (84) is 76, (83) is 77, (82) is 78, (63) is 79.

     John Chapter 14: Saying (61) is 80, (87) is 81, (81) is 82.

     John Chapter 15: Saying (90) is 83, (89) is 84, (67) is 85, (86) is 86, (98) is 87.

     John Chapter 16: Saying (93) is 88, (100) is 89, (88) is 90, (97) is 91, (15) is 92, (96) is 93.

     John Chapter 17: Saying (91) is 94, (92) is 95, (95) is 96, (94) is 97.

     John Chapter 18: Saying (107) is 98, (104) is 99, (112) is 100, (102) is 101, (101) is 102.

     John Chapter 19: Saying (106) is 103, (105) is 104, (110) is 105, (109) is 106, (114) is 107, (71) is 108, (111) is 109, (103) is 110, (108) is 111, (99) is 112.

     John Chapter 20 & 21: Saying (*4 part 2) is *113, (113) is 114, (Prologue and Saying 1) are 115, (*4 part 1) is *113.

Note: (*) These are special Sayings which contain two parts (Saying *4), (Saying *9) and three parts (Saying *6).

     Thomas 76(16-17) Part 2 of John Chapter 2: that merchant [Nicodemus] was prudent [wise]: And there were set there six [*6] waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two [2] or three [3] firkins apiece.2(6) [6+3=*9, 6-2=*4] [6=Chapter 6 containing part 1 of Saying *9 and part 2 of Saying *6] and [6+2=Chapter 8 containing parts 1 and 3 of Saying *6] and [8+2=Chapter 10 containing part 2 of Saying *9]

Note: Saying (2) of Chapter 12 contains [*1 blank space] and Saying (95) of Chapter 17 contains [*two blank lines/pages]

     Thomas (Prologue) Part 1 of John Chapter 21: These are the secret words: And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written [one blank space and two blank lines/pages] in this book [the 3rd book - the Gospel according to Thomas]:20(30) + which the Living Jesus spoke: But these are written [the 1st book - the Gospel according to John], that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing [the 2nd book - John + Thomas (not spread upon the earth)] ye might have life through his name [Lord Eve].20(31)

Note: Errors that I found contained in the Coptic/English Gospel of Thomas (the secret words) have been corrected and underlined (changed, removed, added or moved). These corrections were made according to the information contained in the Gospel of John from which the secret words were originally created from or created for as revealed in John + Thomas.

The Gospel according to Thomas - The original order and wording according to John + Thomas

6 Sayings (40, 35, 34, 28, 37, 19) were created from John Chapter 1 (52 secret words)

     SAYING 1 (5 secret words): Jesus said, a vine has been planted + without the Father + and as it is established + it will be pulled up by its roots + and be destroyed. [This is saying (40) in the Coptic Gospel of Thomas which is PART 1 of John Chapter 1. Jesus said: A vine has been planted without the Father and, as it is not established, it will be pulled up by its roots and be destroyed.]

     SAYING 2 (5 secret words): Jesus said, it is not possible for one to enter + the house of the strong + and take it + unless by force they bind his hands + then will he ransack his house. [This is saying (35) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 1. Jesus said: It is not possible for one to enter the house of the strong (man) and take him (or: it) by force unless he bind his hands; then will he ransack his house.]

     SAYING 3 (3 secret words): Jesus said, if a blind man leads a blind man + both of them + fall into a pit. [This is saying (34) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 1. Jesus said: If a blind man leads a blind man, both of them fall into a pit.]

     SAYING 4 (13 secret words): Jesus said, I took my stand + in the midst of the world + and in flesh I appeared to them + I found them all drunk + I found none among them athirst + and my soul was afflicted for the sons of man + because they are blind in their heart + and do not see + because empty they have come into the world + and empty they seek to go out of the world again + but now they are drunk + when they have shaken off their wine + then will they repent. [This is saying (28) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 1. Jesus said: I took my stand in the midst of the world and in flesh I appeared to them; I found them all drunk, I found none among them athirst. And my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their heart and do not see that (or: because) empty they have come into the world (and that) empty they seek to go out of the world again. But now they are drunk. When they have shaken off their wine, then will they repent.]

     SAYING 5 (12 secret words): His disciples said + when wilt thou be revealed to us + and when will we see thee + Jesus said + when you take off your clothing without being ashamed + and take them + and put them under your feet + as a little child + and tread on them + then [shall you know] + the Son of the Living + and you shall not fear. [This is saying (37) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 1. His disciples said: When wilt Thou be revealed to us and when will we see Thee? Jesus said: When you take off your clothing without being ashamed, and take your clothes and put them under your feet as the little children and tread on them, then [shall you behold] the Son of the Living (One) and you shall not fear.]

     SAYING 6 (14 secret words): Jesus said, blessed is he who was before + he came into being + if you become disciples to me + and hear + my words + this stone + will minister to you + for you have five trees in paradise + which are unmoved + in summer + in winter + and their leaves do not fall + whoever knows them + will not taste death. [This is saying (19) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 1. Jesus said: Blessed is he who was before he came into being. If you become disciples to Me and hear My words, these stones will minister to you. For you have five trees in Paradise, which are unmoved in summer (or) in winter and their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows them will not taste death.]

6 Sayings (75, 76, 74, 52, 51, 56) were created from John Chapter 2 (38 secret words)

     SAYING 7 (5 secret words): Jesus said, many + are standing at the door + but the solitary are the ones + who + will enter the bridal chamber. [This is saying (75) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 2. Jesus said: Many are standing at the door, but the solitary are the ones who will enter the bridal chamber.]

     SAYING 8 (11 secret words): Jesus said, the kingdom of the Father is like a man + a merchant + who + possessed merchandise + and found a pearl + that merchant was prudent + he sold the merchandise, he bought the one pearl for himself + do you also seek for the treasure which fails not, which endures + there where no moth comes near + to devour + and no worm destroys. [This is saying (76) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 2. Jesus said: The Kingdom of the Father is like a man, a merchant, who possessed merchandise (and) found a pearl. That merchant was prudent. He sold the merchandise, he bought the one pearl for himself. Do you also seek for the treasure which fails not, which endures, there where no moth comes near to devour and (where) no worm destroys.]

     SAYING 9 (4 secret words): He said, Lord + there are many + around the cistern + but nobody in it. [This is saying (74) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 2. He said: Lord, there are many around the cistern but nobody in the cistern.]

     SAYING 10 (7 secret words): His disciples said to him, twenty four + prophets spoke in Israel + and they all spoke about thee + He said to them + you have dismissed the Living + who is before you + and you have spoken about the dead. [This is saying (52) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 2. His disciples said to Him: Twenty-four prophets spoke in Israel and they all spoke about (lit: in) Thee. He said to them: You have dismissed the Living (One) who is before you and you have spoken about the dead.]

     SAYING 11 (6 secret words): His disciples + said to him + when will the repose of the dead come about + and when will the new world come + He said to them, what you expect has come + but you know it not. [This is saying (51) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 2. His disciples said to Him: When will the repose of the dead come about and when will the new world come? He said to them: What you expect has come, but you know it not.]

     SAYING 12 (5 secret words): Jesus said + whoever has known the world + has found a corpse + and whoever has found a corpse + of him the world is not worthy. [This is saying (56) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 2. Jesus said: Whoever has known the world has found a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of him the world is not worthy.]

7 Sayings (49, 62, 50, 32, 20, 21 top, 21 bottom) were created from John Chapter 3 (53 secret words)

     SAYING 13 (5 secret words): He said + blessed are the solitary and elect + for you shall find + the kingdom + because you come from it, you shall go there again. [This is saying (49) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 3. Jesus said: Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you shall find the Kingdom; because you come from it, (and) you shall go there again.]

     SAYING 14 (4 secret words): Jesus said + I tell my mysteries to those [who are worthy of my] mysteries + what thy right will do, let not thy left + know what it does. [This is saying (62) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 3. Jesus said: I tell My mysteries to those [who are worthy of my] mysteries. What thy right (hand) will do, let not thy left (hand) know what it does.]

     SAYING 15 (6 secret words): Jesus said, if they say to you, from where have you originated? say to them, we have come from the Light where the Light has originated through itself + it [came] + and it revealed itself in their image + if they ask you, who are you? say, we are his sons + and we are the elect of the living Father + if they ask you, what is the sign of your Father in you? say to them, it is a movement and a rest. [This is saying (50) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 3. Jesus said: If they say to you: “From where have you originated?”, say to them: “We have come from the Light, where the Light has originated through itself. It [stood] and it revealed itself in their image”. If they say to you: “(Who) are you?”, say: “We are His sons and we are the elect of the Living Father”. If they ask you: “What is the sign of your Father in you?”, say to them: “It is a movement and a rest”.]

     SAYING 16 (6 secret words): Jesus said + a city being built + on a high mountain + and fortified + can not fall + nor will it be hidden. [This is saying (32) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 3. Jesus said: A city being built on a high mountain (and) fortified can not fall nor can it (ever) be hidden.]

     SAYING 17 (7 secret words): The disciples said to Jesus, tell us what the kingdom of heaven is like + He said to them, it is + like a mustard seed + smaller than all seeds + but when it falls on the tilled earth + it produces a large branch + and becomes shelter for the birds of heaven. [This is saying (20) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 3. The disciples said to Jesus: Tell us what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. He said to them: It is like a mustered-seed, smaller than all seeds. But when it falls on the tilled earth, it produces a large branch and becomes shelter for <the> birds of heaven.]

     SAYING 18 & 19 (25 secret words): Mary said to Jesus + whom are thy disciples like + He said, they are like little children + who + have installed themselves in a field + which is not theirs + when the owners of the field come, they will say, release to us our field + they take off their clothes before them to release it to them + and to give back their field to them + therefore I say, if the lord of the house knows that the thief is coming + he will stay awake before he comes + and will not let him dig through into his house of his kingdom + to carry away his goods + you then must watch for the world + gird up your loins with great strength + lest he finds a way to come to you + because he will find the advantage + which you expect + let there be among you + a man of understanding + when the fruit ripened he came quickly + with his sickle in his hand + he reaped it + whoever has ears to hear + let him hear. [This is saying (21 top) & (21 bottom) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 & 7 of John Chapter 3. Mary said to Jesus: Whom are thy disciples like? He said: They are like little children who have installed themselves in a field which is not theirs. When the owners of the field come, they will say: “Release to us our field”. They take off their clothes before them to release it (the field) to them and to give back their field to them. Therefore I say: If the lord of the house knows that the thief is coming, he will stay awake before he comes and will not let him dig through into his house of his kingdom to carry away his goods. You then must watch for the world, gird up your loins with great strength lest the brigands find (a) way to come to you, because they will find the advantage which you expect. Let there be among you a man of understanding; when the fruit ripened, he came quickly with his sickle in his hand, he reaped it. Whoever has ears to hear let him hear.] [Note: Saying 18 contains 9 secret words and Saying 19 contains 16 secret words. Thus 25 secret words. See end of Section 2 of Chapter 3.]

9 Sayings (47, 36, 30, 29, 27, 41, 48, 31, 33) were created from John Chapter 4 (75 secret words)

     SAYING 20 (20 secret words): He said + it is impossible for a man + to mount two horses + and to stretch two bows + and it is impossible for a servant to serve two masters + otherwise he will + honour the one and offend the other + no man drinks + old wine + and immediately desires to drink + new wine + and they do not + put new wine into an old wineskin + and they do not + put old wine into a new wineskin + lest they spoil it + they do not sew + an old patch on a new garment + unless there + will come a rent. [This is saying (47) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 4. Jesus said: It is impossible for a man to mount two horses and to stretch two bows, and it is impossible for a servant to serve two masters, otherwise he will honour the one and offend the other. No man drinks old wine and immediately desires to drink new wine; and they do not put new (wine into old wineskins), lest they burst, and they do not put old wine into a new wineskin, lest it spoil it. They do not sew an old patch on a new garment because there would come a rent.]

     SAYING 21 (7 secret words): Jesus said + take no thought + from morning until evening + and from evening + until morning + about what + you shall put on. [This is saying (36) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 4. Jesus said: Take no thought from morning until evening and from evening until morning for what you shall put on.]

     SAYING 22 (6 secret words): Jesus said + where there are three gods + they are gods + where there are two or one + I am + with him. [This is saying (30) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 4. Jesus said: Where there are three gods, they are gods; where there are two or one, I am with him.]

     SAYING 23 (7 secret words): Jesus said, if the flesh has come into existence because of the spirit, it is a marvel + but if the spirit because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels + but they marvel at + why + this great wealth + has made its home + in this poverty. [This is saying (29) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 4. Jesus said: If the flesh has come into existence because of <the> spirit, it is a marvel; but if <the> spirit (has come into existence) because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. But I marvel at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty.]

     SAYING 24 (7 secret words): Jesus said + if you fast not from the world, you will not find the kingdom + They said to him + if you keep not the Sabbath + a Sabbath + you will not see + the kingdom of the Father. [This is saying (27) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 4. <Jesus said:> If you fast not from the world, you will not find the Kingdom; if you keep not the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father.]

     SAYING 25 (6 secret words): Jesus said + whoever has in his hand + to him shall be given + and whoever does not have + from him shall be taken + even the little which he has. [This is saying (41) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 4. Jesus said: Whoever has in his hand, to him shall be given; and whoever does not have, from him shall be taken even the little which he has.]

     SAYING 26 (7 secret words): Jesus said, if two make peace with each other + in this one house + they shall + say to + the mountain + be moved + and it shall be moved. [This is saying (48) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 7 of John Chapter 4. Jesus said: If two make peace with each other in this one house, they shall say to the mountain: “Be moved”, and it shall be moved.]

     SAYING 27 (5 secret words): Jesus said, no prophet + is acceptable + in his village + no physician heals those + who know him. [This is saying (31) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 8 of John Chapter 4. Jesus said: No prophet is acceptable in his village, no physician heals those who know him.]

     SAYING 28 (10 secret words): Jesus said, what thou shalt hear + in thine ear + and in thine ear + that preach from your housetops + for no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel + nor does he put it in a hidden place + but he sets it on the lampstand + so that all + who come in and go out + may see its light. [This is saying (33) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 9 of John Chapter 4. Jesus said: What thou shalt hear in thine ear (and) in the other ear, that preach from your housetops; for no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel, nor does he put it in a hidden place, but he sets it on the lampstand, so that all who come in and go out may see its light.]

5 Sayings (59, 60, 44, 22, 23) were created from John Chapter 5 (45 secret words)

     SAYING 29 (8 secret words): Jesus said + look upon the Living + as long as you live + lest you die + and seek to see + him + and be unable + to rise. [This is saying (59) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 5. Jesus said: Look upon the Living (One) as long as you live, lest you die and seek to see Him and be unable to see.]

     SAYING 30 (12 secret words): Jesus saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb going to Judea + He said to his disciples, this man carries a lamb with him to Judea + They said to him, in order that he may kill eat + and then he will eat it + He said to them, as long as it is alive, he will not eat it + but only if he has killed it + and it has become a corpse + They said, otherwise he will not be able to do it + He said to them + you yourselves seek a place for yourselves in repose + and he will + become a corpse and be eaten. [This is saying (60) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 5. <They saw> a Samaritan carrying a lamb on his way/going to Judea. He said to His disciples: (Why does) this man (carry) the lamb with him? They said to Him: In order that he may kill it and eat it. He said to them: As long as it is alive, he will not eat it, but (only) if he has killed it and it has become a corpse. They said: Otherwise he will not be able to do it. He said to them: You yourselves, seek a place for yourselves in Repose, lest you become a corpse and be eaten.]

     SAYING 31 (7 secret words): Jesus said + whoever blasphemes against the Father, it shall be forgiven him + and whoever blasphemes against the Son, it shall be forgiven him + but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him + neither + on earth + nor in heaven. [This is saying (44) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 5. Jesus said: Whoever blasphemes against the Father, it shall be forgiven him, and whoever blasphemes against the Son, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, either on earth or in heaven.]

     SAYING 32 (14 secret words): Jesus saw children who were being suckled + He said to his disciples, these children who are being suckled + are like those who enter the kingdom + They said to him, shall we then being children enter the kingdom + Jesus said to them, when you make the two one + and when you make the inner as the outer + and the outer as the inner + and the above as the below + and when you make the male and the female into a single one + so that the male will be male + and the female not be female + when you make eyes in the place of eyes and hands in the place of hands and feet in the place of feet + and an image in the place of an image + then shall you enter [the kingdom of God]. [This is saying (22) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 5. Jesus saw children who were being suckled. He said to his disciples: These children who are being suckled are like those who enter the Kingdom. They said to Him: Shall we then, being children, enter the Kingdom? Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male will not be male and the female (not) be female, when you make eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place of a foot, (and) an image in the place of an image, then shall you enter [the Kingdom.]

     SAYING 33 (4 secret words): Jesus said + I shall choose you, one out of a thousand + and two out of ten thousand + and they shall stand as a single one. [This is saying (23) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 5. Jesus said: I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one.]

11 Sayings (*9, *6, 3, 5, 18, 24, 25, 26, 17, 16, 10) were created from John Chapter 6 (88 secret words)

     SAYING *34 - part 1 (6 secret words): Jesus said, see + the sower went out + he filled his hand, he threw + on the good earth + and it brought forth much fruit + it bore sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure. [This is saying (*9-part 1) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 6. Jesus said: See, the sower went out, he filled his hand, he threw on the good earth; and it brought forth good fruit; it bore sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure.]

     SAYING *35 - part 2 (6 secret words): How wouldst thou that we fast + and + how should we pray + and + how should we give alms + what diet should we observe. [This is saying (*6-part 2) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 6. Wouldst thou that we fast, and how should we pray (and) should we give alms, and what diet should we observe?]

     SAYING 36 (13 secret words): Jesus said, if those who lead you say to you, see + the kingdom is in heaven + then the birds of the heaven will precede you + if they say to you, it is in the sea + then the fish will precede you + but the kingdom is within you and it is outside you + if you will know yourselves + then you will be known + and you will know that you are the sons of the living Father + but if you do know + yourselves + then you know that you were in poverty + and you are in poverty. [This is saying (3) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 6. Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: “See, the Kingdom is in heaven”, then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you: “It is in the sea,” then the fish will precede you. But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you. If you (will) know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty.]

     SAYING 37 (8 secret words): Jesus said, know what is in thy sight + and what is hidden + from thee + will be revealed + to thee + for there is nothing hidden + which will not + be manifest. [This is saying (5) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 6. Jesus said: Know what is in thy sight, and what is hidden from thee will be revealed to thee. For there is nothing hidden which will not be manifest.]

     SAYING 38 (10 secret words): His disciples said to Jesus + tell us how our end will be + Jesus said, have you then discovered the beginning + so that you inquire about the end + for where the beginning is + there shall be the end + blessed is he + who shall stand at the beginning + and he shall know the end + and he shall not taste death. [This is saying (18) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 6. The disciples said to Jesus: Tell us how our end will be. Jesus said: Have you then discovered the beginning so that you inquire about the end? For where the beginning is, there shall be the end. Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning, and he shall know the end and he shall not taste death.]

     SAYING 39 (12 secret words): His disciples said, show us the place + from where + thou art + for it is necessary for us to seek it + He said to them + whoever has ears + let him hear + within a man of light + there is light + and he lights the whole world + when he does not shine + there is darkness. [This is saying (24) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 6. His disciples said: Show us the place where Thou art, for it is necessary for us to seek it. He said to them: Whoever has ears let him hear. Within a man of light there is light and he lights the whole world. When he does not shine, there is darkness.]

     SAYING 40 (6 secret words): Jesus said + love thy brother + as thy soul + guard him + as the apple + of thine eye. [This is saying (25) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 7 of John Chapter 6. Jesus said: Love thy brother as thy soul, guard him as the apple of thine eye.]

     SAYING 41 (8 secret words): Jesus said, the mote that is in thy brother’s eye + thou seest + but the beam that is in thine eye + thou seest not + when thou castest the beam out of thine eye + then thou wilt see clearly + to cast the mote out + of thy brother’s eye. [This is saying (26) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 8 of John Chapter 6. Jesus said: The mote that is in thy brother’s eye, thou seest, but the beam that is in thy eye, thou seest not. When thou castest the beam out of thine eye, then thou wilt see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother’s eye.]

     SAYING 42 (6 secret words): Jesus said + I will give you what eye has not seen + and what ear has not heard + and what hand has not touched + and what has not arisen + in the heart of man. [This is saying (17) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 9 of John Chapter 6. Jesus said: I will give you what eye has not seen and what ear has not heard and what hand has not touched and (what) has not arisen in the heart of man.]

     SAYING 43 (7 secret words): Jesus said + men possibly think that I have come to throw peace upon the world + and they do not know that I have come to throw division upon the earth + and then fire, sword, war + for there shall be five in a house, three shall be against two and two against three + the father against the sons and the sons against the father + and they will stand as solitaries. [This is saying (16) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 10 of John Chapter 6. Jesus said: Men possibly think that I have come to throw peace upon the world and they do not know that I have come to throw divisions upon the earth, fire, sword, war. For there shall be five in a house: three shall be against two and two against three, the father against the son and the son against the father, and they will stand as solitaries.]

     SAYING 44 (6 secret words): Jesus said + I have + cast fire upon the world + and see + I guard it + until it is afire. [This is saying (10) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 11 of John Chapter 6. Jesus said: I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I guard it until it (the world) is afire.]

9 Sayings (55, 58, 57, 53, 54, 65, 72, 73, 68) were created from John Chapter 7 (80 secret words)

     SAYING 45 (8 secret words): Jesus said, whoever does not hate + his father and his mother + will not be able to be a disciple to me + and whoever does not hate + his brethren + and his sisters + and does not take up his cross in my way + will not be worthy of me. [This is saying (55) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 7. Jesus said: Whoever does not hate his father and his mother will not be able to be a disciple to Me, ane (whoever does not) hate his brethren and his sisters and (does not) take up his cross in My way will not be worthy of Me.]

     SAYING 46 (6 secret words): Jesus said + blessed is the man + who has suffered + he + has found + the kingdom. [This is saying (58) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 7. Jesus said: Blessed is the man who has suffered, he has found the Life.]

     SAYING 47 (12 secret words): Jesus said + the kingdom of the Father is like a man + who had [good] seed + his enemy + came by night + he sowed a weed among the good seed + the man did not permit them to pull up the weed + he said to them, lest perhaps you pull up the weed + and pull up the wheat with it + for on the day of harvest the weeds will appear + they will pull them + and burn them. [This is saying (57) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 7. Jesus said: The Kingdom of the Father is like a man who had [good] seed. His enemy came by night, he sowed a weed among the good seed. The man did not permit them (the workers) to pull up the weed. He said to them: Lest perhaps you go to pull up the weed and pull up the wheat with it. For on the day of harvest the weeds will appear, they (will) pull them and burn them.]

     SAYING 48 (9 secret words): His disciples said to him + is circumcision profitable or not + He said to them, if it were profitable + their father + would beget them circumcised + from + their mother + but the true circumcision in spirit + has become profitable in everything. [This is saying (53) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 7. His disciples said to Him: Is circumcision profitable or not? He said to them: If it were profitable, their father would beget them circumcised from their mother. But the true circumcision in Spirit has become profitable in every way.]

     SAYING 49 (3 secret words): Jesus said + blessed are the poor + for yours is the kingdom of heaven. [This is saying (54) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 7. Jesus said: Blessed are the poor, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven.]

     SAYING 50 (19 secret words): He said + a good man had a vineyard + he gave it to husbandmen so that they would work it + and that he would receive its fruit from them + he sent his servant + so that the husbandmen would give him the fruit of the vineyard + they seized his servant, they beat him, a little longer and they would have killed him + the servant came + they told it + to his master + his master said, perhaps they did not know + he sent another servant, they beat him as well + then the owner sent his son + he said + perhaps they will respect my son + since those husbandmen knew that he was the heir of the vineyard + they seized him, they killed him + whoever has ears + let him hear. [This is saying (65) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 7. He said: A good man had a vineyard. He gave it to husbandmen so that they would work it and that he would receive its fruit from them. He sent his servant so that the husbandmen would give him the fruit of the vineyard. They seized his servant, they beat him; a little longer and they would have killed him. The servant came, he told it to his master. His master said: “Perhaps he did not know them”. He sent another servant; the husbandmen beat him as well. Then the owner sent his son. He said: “Perhaps they will respect my son”. Since those husbandmen knew that he was the heir of the vineyard, they seized him, they killed him. Whoever has ears let him hear.]

     SAYING 51 (10 secret words): [A man + said] to him + tell my brethren + to divide + my father’s possessions + with me + He said to him, O man, I am not + a divider + he turned to his disciples + he said to them, I am not a divider, I am. [This is saying (72) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 7 of John Chapter 7. [A man said] to Him: Tell my brethren to divide my father’s possessions with me. He said to him: O man, who made Me (a) divider? He turned to His disciples, he said to them: I am not a divider, am I?]

     SAYING 52 (7 secret words): Jesus + said + the harvest + is indeed great + but my labourers are few + but + beg the Lord to send his labourers to the harvest. [This is saying (73) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 8 of John Chapter 7. Jesus said: The harvest is indeed great, but the labourers are few; but beg the Lord to send labourers into the harvest.]

     SAYING 53 (6 secret words): Jesus said, blessed are you + when you are hated + and persecuted + and no place will be found + there where you have been + persecuted. [This is saying (68) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 9 of John Chapter 7. Jesus said: Blessed are you when you are hated and persecuted; and no place will be found there where you have been persecuted.]

6 Sayings (66, 39, 38, 43, 45, 46) were created from John Chapter 8 and parts 1 and 3 of Saying *34 - (*6) (78 secret words)

     SAYING 54 (4 secret words): Jesus said, show him + the stone + which the builders have rejected + it is the corner stone. [This is saying (66) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 8. Jesus said: Show me the stone which the builders have rejected; it is the corner-stone.]

     SAYING 55 (9 secret words): Jesus said, the Pharisees and the Scribes + have received the keys of knowledge + they have hidden them + they did not enter + and they did not let those who wished + but you have become wise + as serpents + and innocent + as doves. [This is saying (39) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 8. Jesus said: The Pharisees and the Scribes have received the keys of Knowledge, they have hidden them. They did not enter, and they did not let those (enter) who wished. But you, become wise as serpents and innocent as doves.]

     SAYING 56 (14 secret words): Jesus said + many times + have you desired to hear these words + which I say to you + and you have + no + other + from whom + to hear them + there will be a day + when you will seek me + and you will + not + find me. [This is saying (38) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 8. Jesus said: Many times have you desired to hear these words which I say to you, and you have no other from whom to hear them. There will be days when you will seek Me (and) you will not find Me.]

     SAYING 57 (15 secret words): His disciples said to him, who art thou + that thou + should say these things + to us + Jesus said to them + from what + I say to you + you do not know + who + I am + but you have become as the Jews + for they love the tree + they hate its fruit + and they love the fruit + they hate the tree. [This is saying (43) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 8. His disciples said to Him: Who art Thou that Thou should say these things to us. <Jesus said to them>: From what I say to you, you do not know who I am, but you have become as the Jews, for they love the tree, they hate its fruit and they love the fruit, they hate the tree.]

     SAYING *35 - parts 1 and 3 (16 secret words): Jesus said, do + not + lie + and do not + do + what + you + hate + for all things + are manifest before the truth + for there is nothing hidden + that shall not be + revealed + and there is nothing covered + that shall remain + without being uncovered. [This is saying (*6-parts 1 and 3) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 8. Jesus said: Do not lie; and do not do what you hate, for all things are manifest before Heaven. For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed and there is nothing covered that shall remain without being uncovered.]

     SAYING 58 (9 secret words): Jesus said + they do not harvest grapes from thorns + nor do they gather figs from thistles + [for] they give no fruit + [a] good man + brings forth + good out of his treasure + an evil man brings forth evil things out of his evil treasure, which is in his heart, and speaks evil things + for out of the abundance of the heart he brings forth evil things. [This is saying (45) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 8. Jesus said: They do not harvest grapes from thorns, nor do they gather figs from thistles; [for] they give no fruit. [A] good man brings forth good out of his treasure, an evil man brings forth evil things out of his evil treasure, which is in his heart, and speaks evil things. For out of the abundance of the heart he brings forth evil things.]

     SAYING 59 (11 secret words): Jesus said, from Adam + until John the Baptist + there is among those + who are born of women + none higher than John the Baptist + so that his eyes will not be broken + but I have said + whoever among you + becomes as a child + shall know the kingdom + and he shall become higher than John. [This is saying (46) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 7 of John Chapter 8. Jesus said: From Adam until John the Baptist there is among those who are born of women none higher than John the Baptist, so that his eyes will not be broken. But I have said that whoever among you becomes as a child shall know the Kingdom, and he shall become higher than John.]

2 Sayings (42, 64) were created from John Chapter 9 (29 secret words)

     SAYING 60 (2 secret words): Jesus said + become passers by. [This is saying (42) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 9. Jesus said: Become passers-by.]

     SAYING 61 (27 secret words): Jesus said, a man + had guest friends + and when he had prepared + the dinner + he sent his servant to invite the guest friends + he went to the first, he said to him, my master invites thee to the dinner + he said, I have some claims against some merchants + they will come to me in the evening, I will go and give them my orders, I pray to be excused + he went to another + he said to him, my master has invited thee to the dinner + he said to him, I have bought a house and they request me for the day, I will have no time + he came to another + he said to him, my master invites thee to the dinner + he said to him, my friend is to be married, I am to arrange the dinner + I shall not be able to come, I pray to be excused + he went to another + he said to him, my master invites thee to the dinner + he said to him, I have bought a farm, I go to collect the rent + I shall not be able to come, I pray to be excused + the servant came + he said to his master, those whom thou hast invited to the dinner have excused themselves + the master said to his servant, go out to the roads, bring those whom thou shalt find + so that they may dine + tradesmen + and merchants + [shall] not [enter] + the place of my Father. [This is saying (64) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 9. Jesus said: A man had guest-friends, and when he had prepared the dinner, he sent his servant to invite the guest-friends. He went to the first, he said to him: “My master invites thee”. He said: “I have some claims against some merchants; they will come to me in the evening; I will go and give them my orders. I pay to be excused from the dinner. He went to another, he said to him: “My master has invited thee”. He said to him: “I have bought a house and they request me for a day. I will have no time”. He came to another, he said to him: “My master invites thee”. He said to him. “My friend is to be married and I am to arrange a dinner; I shall not be able to come. I pray to be excused from the dinner”. He went to another, he said to him: My master invites thee”. He said to him: “I have bought a farm, I go to collect the rent. I shall not be able to come. I pray to be excused”. The servant came, he said to his master: “Those whom thou hast invited to the dinner have excused themselves”. The master said to his servant: “Go out to the roads, bring those whom thou shalt find, so that they may dine. Tradesmen and merchants [shall] not [enter] the places of my Father”.]

1 Saying (13) was created from John Chapter 10 and part 2 of Saying *33 - (*9) (33 secret words)

     SAYING *34 - part 2 (11 secret words): Some fell on the road + the birds came + they gathered them + others fell on the rock + and did not + strike root in the earth + and did not produce ears + and others fell on the thorns + they choked the seed + and the worms ate them + and others fell on the good earth. [This is saying (*9-part 2) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 10. Some fell on the road; the birds came, they gathered them. Others fell on the rock and did not strike root in the earth and did not produce ears. And others fell on the thorns; they choked the seed and the worm ate them. And others fell on the good earth.]

     SAYING 62 (22 secret words): Jesus said to his disciples + make a comparison + and tell me whom I am like + Simon Peter said to him, thou art like a righteous angel + Matthew said to him, thou art like a wise man of understanding + Thomas said to him, Master, my mouth will + not at all + be capable of saying whom thou art like + Jesus said, I am + not thy Master + because thou hast drunk thou has become drunk + from the bubbling spring + which I have measured out + and he took him + they withdrew + he spoke three words + to him + now when Thomas came to his companions, they asked him, what did Jesus say to thee + Thomas said to them, if I tell you one of the words which he said to me + you will take up stones to throw at me + and fire will come from the stones + and burn you up. [This is saying (13) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 10. Jesus said to His disciples: Make a comparison to Me and tell Me whom I am like. Simon Peter said to him: Thou art like a righteous angel. Matthew said to Him: Thou art like a wise man of understanding. Thomas said to Him: Master, my mouth will not at all be capable of saying whom Thou art like. Jesus said: I am not thy Master, because thou hast drunk, thou hast become drunk from the bubbling spring which I have measured out. And He took him, He withdrew, He spoke three words to him. Now when Thomas came to his companions, they asked him: What did Jesus say to thee? Thomas said to them: If I tell you one of the words which He said to me, you will take up stones and throw at me; and fire will come from the stones and burn you up.]

6 Sayings (77, 70, 79, 80, 78, 69) were created from John Chapter 11 (55 secret words)

     SAYING 63 (7 secret words): Jesus said, I am the light that is above them all + I am the all + the all came forth from me + and the all attained to me + cleave to wood, I am there + lift up the stone + and you will find me there. [This is saying (77) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 11. Jesus said: I am the Light that is above them all, I am the All, the All came forth from Me and the All attained to Me. Cleave a (piece of) wood, I am there; lift up the stone and you will find Me there.]

     SAYING 64 (11 secret words): Jesus said + if you bring forth + that which is + within you + that which you have + will save you + if you do + not have that + within you + that which you do not have within you + will kill you. [This is saying (70) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 11. Jesus said: If you bring forth that within yourselves, that which you have will save you. If you do not have that within yourselves, that which you do not have within you will kill you.]

     SAYING 65 (12 secret words): A woman + from the multitude + said to him + blessed is the womb which bore thee and the breasts which nourished thee + He said to [her], blessed are those who have heard + the word + of the Father + and have kept it in truth + for there will be days + when you will say + blessed is the womb which has not conceived + and the breasts which have not suckled. [This is saying (79) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 11. A woman from the multitude said to Him: Blessed is the womb which bore Thee and the breasts which nourished Thee. He said to [her]: Blessed are those who have heard the word of the Father (and) have kept it in truth. For there will be days when you will say: Blessed is the womb which has not conceived and the breasts which have not suckled.]

     SAYING 66 (7 secret words): Jesus said + whoever has known the world + has found + the body + and whoever has found + the body + of him the world is not worthy. [This is saying (80) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 11. Jesus said: Whoever has known the world has found the body, and whoever has found the body, of him the world is not worthy.]

     SAYING 67 (10 secret words): Jesus said + why did you come out into the desert + to see a bruised reed + shaken by the wind + and to see a man clothed in soft garments + [see, your] king + and your great ones + are those who are clothed in soft [garments] + and they [were] not able to know + the truth. [This is saying (78) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 11. Jesus said: Why did you come out into the desert? To see a reed shaken by the wind? And to see a man clothed in soft garments? [See, your] kings and your great ones are those who are clothed in soft [garments] and they [shall] not be able to know the truth.]

     SAYING 68 (8 secret words): Jesus said, blessed are those + who have been persecuted in their heart + these are they + who have known the Father in truth + and blessed are the hungry + for the belly of him + who desires + will be filled. [This is saying (69) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 11. (69a) Jesus said: Blessed are those who have been persecuted in their heart; these are they who have known the Father in truth. (69b) Blessed are the hungry, for the belly of him who desires will be filled.]

6 Sayings (14, 7, 8, 2, 11, 12) were created from John Chapter 12 (55 secret words)

     SAYING 69 (11 secret words): Jesus said to them, if you fast + you will beget sin for yourselves + and if you pray + you will be condemned + and if you give alms you will do evil to your spirit + and if you go into any land and wander in the regions + if they receive you, eat what they set before you + heal the sick among them + for what goes into your mouth + will not defile you + but what comes out of your mouth, that is what will defile you. [This is saying (14) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 12. Jesus said to them: If you fast, you will beget sin for yourselves, and if you pray, you will be condemned, and if you give alms, you will do evil to your spirits. And if you go into any land and wander in the regions, if they receive you, eat what they set before you, heal the sick among them. For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but what comes out of your mouth, that is what will defile you.]

     SAYING 70 (4 secret words): Jesus said, blessed is the lion which the man eats + and the lion will become man + and cursed is the man whom the lion eats + and the lion will become man. [This is saying (7) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 12. Jesus said: Blessed is the lion which the man eats and the lion will become man; and cursed is the man whom the lion eats and the lion will become man.]

     SAYING 71 (7 secret words): And he said, the man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea, he drew it up from the sea full of small fish + among them he found a large and good fish + that wise fisherman, he threw all the small fish back down into the sea + he chose the large fish without regret + whoever has ears + to hear + let him hear. [This is saying (8) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 12. And He said: The Man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea, he drew it up from the sea full of small fish; among them he found a large (and) good fish, that wise fisherman, he threw all the small fish down into the sea, he chose the large fish without regret. Whoever has ears to hear let him hear.]

     SAYING 72 (10 secret words): Jesus said + let him who seeks not cease seeking + until he finds + and when he finds + he will + be troubled + and when he has been troubled + he will + [*blank space] + marvel + and he will reign over the all. [This is saying (2) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 12. Jesus said: Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds, and when finds, he will be troubled, and when he has been troubled, he will [*blank space] marvel and he will reign over the All.]

     SAYING 73 (13 secret words): Jesus said + this heaven + shall pass away + and the one above it + and the dead are not alive + and the Living shall not die + in the day when you devoured the dead + you made it alive + when you come to the light + what will you do + on the day when you were one you became two + but when you have become two + what will you do. [This is saying (11) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 12. Jesus said: This heaven shall pass away and the one above it shall pass away, and the dead are not alive and the living shall not die. In the days when you devoured the dead, you made it alive; when you come into light, what will you do? On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you have become two, what will you do?]

     SAYING 74 (10 secret words): The disciples said to Jesus, we know + that thou wilt go away from us + who is it + who shall be great over us + Jesus said to them + from wherever you have come + you will go to James the righteous + for whose sake + heaven and earth + came into being. [This is saying (12) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 12. The disciples said to Jesus: We know that thou wilt go away from us. Who is it who shall be great over us? Jesus said to them: Wherever you have come, you will go to James the righteous for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.]

5 Sayings (85, 84, 83, 82, 63) were created from John Chapter 13 (41 secret words)

     SAYING 75 (8 secret words): Jesus said, Adam + came into existence + from + a great power and a great wealth + and he + did become worthy of you + for if he had not been worthy + [he would] [have tasted] death. [This is saying (85) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 13. Jesus said: Adam came into existence from a great power and a great wealth, and (yet) he did not become worthy of you. For if he had been worthy, [he would] not [have tasted] death.]

     SAYING 76 (5 secret words): Jesus said + when you see your likeness you rejoice + but when you see your images which came into existence before you + which neither die nor are manifested + how much will you bear. [This is saying (84) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 13. Jesus said: When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into existence before you, (which) neither die nor are manifested, how much will you bear!]

     SAYING 77 (11 secret words): Jesus said + the images + are manifest to man + and the light + which is within them + is hidden + in the image of the light of the Father + he will manifest himself + and his image + is concealed + by his light. [This is saying (83) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 13. Jesus said: The images are manifest to man and the Light which is within them is hidden in the Image of the Light of the Father. He will manifest himself and His Image is concealed by His Light.]

     SAYING 78 (5 secret words): Jesus said + whoever is near to me + is near to the fire + and whoever is far from me + is far from the kingdom. [This is saying (82) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 13. Jesus said: Whoever is near to me is near to the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom.]

     SAYING 79 (12 secret words): Jesus said + there was a rich man who had much money + He said, I will use my money + so that I may sow + and reap + and plant + and fill my storehouses with new fruit + so that I lack nothing + this was what he thought in his heart + and that night he died + whoever has ears + let him hear. [This is saying (63) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 13. Jesus said: There was a rich man who had much money. He said: I will use my money that I may sow and reap and plant and fill my storehouses with fruit, so that I lack nothing. This is what he thought in his heart. And that night he died. Whoever has ears let him hear.]

3 Sayings (61, 87, 81) were created from John Chapter 14 (45 secret words)

     SAYING 80 (25 secret words): Jesus said + two will not rest on a bed, the one will die, the one will live + Salome said + who art thou man and whose son + thou didst take thy place + upon my bench + and eat from my table + Jesus said + to her + I am + he who is from the same + to me was given from the things of my Father + She said + I am + thy disciple + Jesus + said to her + therefore + I say + if he is the same + he will + be filled with light + but if he is divided + he will + be filled with darkness. [This is saying (61) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 14. Jesus said: Two will rest on a bed: the one will die, the one will live. Salome said: Who art thou, man and whose (son)? Thou didst take thy place upon my bench and eat from my table. Jesus said to her: I am He who is from the Same, to Me was given from the things of My Father. <Salome said>: I am Thy disciple. <Jesus said to her>: Therefore I say, if he is the Same, he will be filled with light, but if he is divided, he will be filled with darkness.]

     SAYING 81 (11 secret words): Jesus said + wretched is + the body + which + depends upon + a body + and wretched is + the soul + which + depends upon + these two. [This is saying (87) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 14. Jesus said: Wretched is the body which depends upon a body, and wretched is the soul which depends upon these two.]

     SAYING 82 (9 secret words): Jesus said + let him + who has + become rich + become king + and let him + who has power + renounce + it. [This is saying (81) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 14. Jesus said: Let him who has become rich become king, and let him who has power renounce (it).]

5 Sayings (90, 89, 67, 86, 98) were created from John Chapter 15 (34 secret words)

     SAYING 83 (7 secret words): Jesus said + come with me + for easy is my yoke + and my lordship is gentle + and you + shall find + repose for yourselves. [This is saying (90) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 15. Jesus said: Come to Me, for easy is My yoke and My lordship is gentle, and you shall find repose for yourselves.]

     SAYING 84 (4 secret words): Jesus said, why do you wash the outside of the cup + do you not understand + that he who made the inside + is also he who made the outside. [This is saying (89) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 15. Jesus said: Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not understand that he who made the inside is also he who made the outside?]

     SAYING 85 (7 secret words): Jesus said + whoever knows + the all + but fails + himself + lacks + everything. [This is saying (67) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 15. Jesus said: Whoever knows the All but fails (to know) himself lacks everything.]

     SAYING 86 (7 secret words): Jesus said + [the foxes] [have] the[ir hole] + and the birds + have [their] nest + but the Son of man has + no place to lay his head + and to rest. [This is saying (86) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 15. Jesus said: [The foxes] [have] the[ir holes] and the birds have [their] nest, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head and to rest.]

     SAYING 87 (9 secret words): Jesus said, the kingdom of the Father is like a man + who wishes to kill + a powerful man + he drew the sword in his house + he stuck it into the wall + in order to know + whether his hand would carry through + then he slew + the powerful. [This is saying (98) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 15. Jesus said: The Kingdom of the Father is like a man who wishes to kill a powerful man. He drew the sword in his house, he stuck it into the wall, in order to know whether his hand would carry through; then he slew the powerful (man).]

6 Sayings (93, 100, 88, 97, 15, 96) were created from John Chapter 16 (55 secret words)

     SAYING 88 (10 secret words): Jesus said + give + not + what is holy to the dogs + lest they cast it on the dung heap + and throw + not + the pearl to + the swine + lest they make it [dust]. [This is saying (93) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 16. <Jesus said:> Give not what is holy to the dogs, lest they cast it on the dung-heap. Throw not the pearls to the swine, lest they make it [- - - -].]

     SAYING 89 (9 secret words): They showed Jesus gold + and said + to him + Caesar’s men ask taxes + from us + He said to them + give the things of Caesar to Caesar + give the things of God to God + and give me what is mine. [This is saying (100) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 16. They showed Jesus a gold (coin) and said to Him: Caesar’s men ask taxes from us. He said to them: Give the things of Caesar to Caesar, give the things of God to God and give Me what is Mine.]

     SAYING 90 (13 secret words): Jesus said + the messenger + and the prophets + will come to you + and he will show you + what is yours + and you will + show them what is in your hands + and say to yourselves + on which day + will they come + and receive + what is theirs. [This is saying (88) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 16. Jesus said: The angels/messengers and the prophets will come to you and they will give you what is yours. And you, too, give to them what is in your hands, and say to yourselves: “On which day will they come and receive what is theirs?”]

     SAYING 91 (11 secret words): Jesus said, the kingdom of the [Father] is like a woman who was carrying a jar full of meal + while she was walking [on a] distant road + the seal on the jar broke + the meal streamed out behind her on the road + she did not know + she had noticed no accident + after she came into her house + she put her jar down + she + found it + empty. [This is saying (97) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 16. Jesus said: The Kingdom of the [Father] is like a woman who was carrying a jar full of meal. While she was walking [on a] distant road, the handle of the jar broke. The meal streamed out behind her on the road. She did not know (it), she had noticed no accident. After she came into her house, she put the jar down, she found it empty.]

     SAYING 92 (6 secret words): Jesus said + when you see him + who was not born of woman + prostrate yourselves upon your face + and adore him + he is your Father. [This is saying (15) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 16. Jesus said: When you see Him who was not born of woman, prostrate yourselves upon your face and adore Him: He is your Father.]

     SAYING 93 (6 secret words): Jesus [said], the kingdom of the Father is like [a] woman + who has taken a little leaven [and has hidden] it in dough + and has made large loaves + with it + whoever has ears + let him hear. [This is saying (96) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 16. Jesus [said]: The Kingdom of the Father is like [a] woman, (who) has taken a little leaven [(and) has hidden] it in dough (and) has made large loaves of it.]

4 Sayings (91, 92, 95, 94) were created from John Chapter 17 (35 secret words)

     SAYING 94 (11 secret words): They said to him + tell us who + thou art + so that we may believe in thee + He said to them + you test the face of the heaven and of the earth + and him who is + before your face + you have known + and you do know + to test this moment. [This is saying (91) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 17. They said to Him: Tell us who Thou art so that we may believe in Thee. He said to them: You test the face of the sky and of the earth, and him who is before your face you have not known, and you do not know to test this moment.]

     SAYING 95 (11 secret words): Jesus said + seek and you will find + but those + things + which you asked me + in those days + I did not tell you then + now I desire + to tell them + but you do not inquire + after them. [This is saying (92) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 17. Jesus said: Seek and you will find, but those things which you asked me in those days, I did not tell you then; now I desire to tell them, but you do not inquire after them.]

     SAYING 96 (9 secret words): [Jesus said] + if you have them + [*blank line] + [*blank line] + do not lend + them + but give [them] to him + from whom + you will not + receive + them. [This is saying (95) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 17. [Jesus said]: If you have money [two blank lines/pages], do not lend at interest, but give [them] to him from whom you will not receive them (back).]

     SAYING 97 (4 secret words): Jesus [said] + whoever seeks will find + [and whoever knocks,] + it will be opened to him. [This is saying (94) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 17. Jesus [said]: Whoever seeks will find [and whoever knocks], it will be opened to him.]

5 Sayings (107, 104, 112, 102, 101) were created from John Chapter 18 (49 secret words)

     SAYING 98 (14 secret words): Jesus said, the kingdom is like a shepherd + who + had a hundred sheep + one of them went astray + which + was the largest + he + left behind ninety nine + he + sought for the one + until he found it + having tired himself out, he said to the sheep + I love thee + more than ninety nine. [This is saying (107) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 18. Jesus said: The Kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them went astray, which was the largest. He left behind ninety-nine, he sought for the one until he found it. Having tired himself out, he said to the sheep: I love thee more than ninety-nine.]

     SAYING 99 (10 secret words): They said [to him], come and let us pray today + and let us fast + Jesus said, which then + is + the sin that I have committed + and in what + have I + been condemned + but when the bridegroom comes out of the bridal chamber + then let them fast and let them pray. [This is saying (104) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 18. They said [to Him]: Come and let us pray today and let us fast. Jesus said: Which then is the sin that I have committed, or in what have I been vanquished? But when the bridegroom comes out of the bridal chamber, then let them fast and let them pray.]

     SAYING 100 (9 secret words): Jesus said + woe to the flesh + which + depends upon + the soul + woe to the soul + which + depends upon + the flesh. [This is saying (112) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 18. Jesus said: Woe to the flesh which depends upon the soul; woe to the soul which depends upon the flesh.]

     SAYING 101 (5 secret words): Jesus said, woe to them + the Pharisees + for they are like a dog + sleeping in the manger of oxen + for neither does he eat nor does he allow the oxen to eat. [This is saying (102) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 18. Jesus said: Woe to them, the Pharisees, for they are like a dog sleeping in the manger of oxen, for neither does he eat nor does he allow the oxen to eat.]

     SAYING 102 (11 secret words): Jesus said + whoever does not hate his father and his mother + in my way + will not be + able to be a [disciple] to me + and whoever does [not] love [his father] and his mother + in my way + will not be able + to be a [disciple] to me + for my mother [made me flesh] + but [my] true [father] gave me the life. [This is saying (101) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 18. <Jesus said:> Whoever does not hate his father and his mother in My way will not be able to be a [disciple] to me. And whoever does [not] love [his father] and his mother in My way will not be able to be a [disciple] to me, for My mother [- - - - - - -] but [My] true [Mother] gave me the Life.]

10 Sayings (106, 105, 110, 109, 114, 71, 111, 103, 108, 99) were created from John Chapter 19 (78 secret words)

     SAYING 103 (7 secret words): Jesus said, when + you + make the two one + you shall become + son of man + and when you say mountain be moved + it will be moved. [This is saying (106) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 19. Jesus said: When you make the two one, you shall become sons of Man, and when you say: “Mountain, be moved”, it will be moved.]

     SAYING 104 (5 secret words): Jesus said, whoever knows + father + and mother + shall be called + the son of a harlot. [This is saying (105) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 19. Jesus said: Whoever knows father and mother shall be called the son of a harlot.]

     SAYING 105 (5 secret words): Jesus said, whoever has + found the world + and becomes rich + let him deny + the world. [This is saying (110) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 3 of John Chapter 19. Jesus said: Whoever has found the world and become rich, let him deny the world.]

     SAYING 106 (9 secret words): Jesus said, the kingdom of the Father is like a man + who had a treasure + [hidden] in his field without knowing it + and [after] he died, he left it to his [son + the] son did not know, he accepted that field, he sold [it] + and he who bought it, he came + while he was plowing + [he found] the treasure + he began to lend it to whomever he wished. [This is saying (109) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 4 of John Chapter 19. Jesus said: The Kingdom is like a man who had a treasure [hidden] in his field without knowing it. And [after] he died, he left it to his [son. The] son did not know (about it), he accepted that field, he sold [it]. And he who bought it, he went, while he was plowing [he found] the treasure. He began to lend money to whoever he wished.]

     Saying 107 (13 secret words): Simon Peter said to them + let Mary go + out from among us + because women are not worthy of the life + Jesus said, see + they shall lead her + so that I will make her male + that she too may become a living spirit + resembling you males + for every woman who makes herself male + will enter the kingdom of heaven + The Gospel + according to Thomas. [This is saying (114) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 5 of John Chapter 19. Simon Peter said to them: Let Mary go out from among us, because women are not worthy of the Life. Jesus said: See, I shall lead her, so that I will make her male, that she too may become a living spirit, resembling you males. For every woman who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Gospel according to Thomas]

     SAYING 108 (8 secret words): Jesus said + I shall + de[stroy this] house + and + no + one + will be + able to build it [again]. [This is saying (71) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 6 of John Chapter 19. Jesus said: I shall de[stroy this] house and no one will be able to build it [again].]

     SAYING 109 (10 secret words): Jesus said + the heavens will be rolled up + and the earth is + in your presence + and he who lives by the Living + shall see neither death nor fear + because Jesus says + whoever finds + himself + of him the world is not worthy. [This is saying (111) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 7 of John Chapter 19. Jesus said: The heavens will be rolled up and the earth (is) in your presence, and he who lives on the Living (One) shall see neither death nor <fear>, because Jesus says: Whoever finds himself, of him the world is not worthy.]

     SAYING 110 (6 secret words): Jesus said + blessed is the man who knows + i[n which] part the robbers will come in + so that he will rise and collect his [things] + and gird up his loins + before they come in. [This is saying (103) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 8 of John Chapter 19. Jesus said: Blessed is the man who knows i[n which] part (of the night) the robbers will come in, so that he will rise and collect his [- - - -] and gird up his loins before they come in.]

     SAYING 111 (8 secret words): Jesus said + whoever drinks + from my mouth + shall become as I am + and I myself will become he + and the hidden things + shall be revealed + to him. [This is saying (108) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 9 of John Chapter 19. Jesus said: Whoever drinks from My mouth shall become as I am and I myself will become he, and the hidden things shall be revealed to him.]

     SAYING 112 (7 secret words): The disciples said to him, thy brethren and thy mother are standing outside + He said to them, those here who do the will of my father + they are my brethren and my mother + these are they + who shall enter + the place + of my father. [This is saying (99) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 10 of John Chapter 19. The disciples said to Him: Thy brethren and Thy mother are standing outside. He said to them: Those here who do the will of My Father, they are My brethren and My mother; these are they who shall enter the Kingdom of my Father.]

3 Sayings (*4, 113, 1) were created from John Chapters 20/21 and part 1 of Saying *113 - (*4) (42 secret words)

     SAYING *113 part 2 (7 secret words): For many + who are first + shall come + last + and they + shall come + as a single one. [This is saying (*4 - part 2) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 20. For many who are first shall become last and they shall become a single one.]

     SAYING 114 (19 secret words): His disciples + said to + him + when will the kingdom come + Jesus said + it will not come + by expectation + they will not + say + see + here + or see + there + but + the kingdom + of the Father + is spread upon the earth + and men + do not see it. [This is saying (113) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 20. His disciples said to Him: When will the Kingdom come? <Jesus said:> It will not come by expectation; they will not say: “See, here”, or: “See, there”. But the Kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth and men do not see it.]

     SAYING 115 (7 secret words): These are the secret words + which the Living Jesus spoke + and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote + And Jesus said + whoever finds the explanation for these secret words + will not + taste death. [This is the Prologue and saying (1) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 1 of John Chapter 21. These are the secret words which the Living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote. And He said: Whoever finds the explanation of these words will not taste death.]

     SAYING *113 part 1 (9 secret words): Jesus said + the man old in days + will not hesitate + to ask + a little child + of seven days + about + the place of life + and he will live. [This is saying (*4-part 1) in the Coptic G of T which is PART 2 of John Chapter 21. Jesus said: The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child of seven days about the place of Life, and he will live.]

Note: Nicodemus’ Gospel of John contains 879 verses (1000 - 1 - 120 = 879). His Gospel of Thomas contains 1,060 secret words (1000 + 60 = 1,060) which have confirmed that all the verses contained in the King James version of the Gospel of John are as they were in his original Gospel. The last verse (25) in Chapter 21 of the Gospel of John is not confirmed by any secret words. It was prepared for a special purpose.

     John 21(24-25end): This is the disciple [Nicodemus] which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things [with the Holy Ghost]: and we know that his [Nicodemus’ the same Noah/Moses/Isaiah] testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. *Amen. [Note: This verse opens the door for the false gospels which the Lord knew would be written. Moses wrote Amen two times in the book of Numbers and he wrote Amen twelve times in the book of Deuteronomy and Nicodemus who is the same Moses wrote Amen one time at the end of his Gospel of John - the one and only true Gospel].

     the first false gospel, Mark 16(19-20end): So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen [taken from the Gospel of John].

     the second false gospel, Matthew 28(19-20end): Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen [taken from the gospel of Mark].

     the third false gospel, Luke 24(50-53end): And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy: and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen [taken from the gospel of Matthew].

     Isaiah 66(1-4): Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol [after the final passover - Saturday/Sabbath 15th Day (Jesus the Lamb of God)]. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions [after the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple], and will bring their fears upon them; because when I [Jesus] called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.

     Isaiah 29(9-24): Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all [the record of eternal life] is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work [the Mother becomes the Son] among this people, even a marvellous work [Nicodemus the same Moses/Isaiah with the Holy Ghost writes the Gospel of John] and a wonder [Nicodemus then creates the Gospel of Thomas from his Gospel of John]: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. Woe unto them [the creators of the roman catholic church] that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works [contained in the new testament] are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? Surely your turning of things [from the Gospel of John and the Gospel of Thomas] upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay: for shall the work [the true words of the Gospel of John] say of him [Nicodemus] that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed [the secret words which formed the sayings of the Gospel of Thomas] say of him [Nicodemus] that framed it, He had no understanding? Is it not yet a little while, and Lebanon [Galilee] shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness. The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. For the terrible one [Cain/the Devil/Satan - the murderer and liar] is brought to naught, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought [lies]. Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham [the same blind man from birth whom Jesus healed], concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob [the same impotent man lying on a bed whom Jesus healed] shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. But when he seeth his children [my chosen twelve], the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name [Lord Eve/Jesus - the Mother of all living], and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob [Lord Adam/Jesus - the Father of all living], and shall fear the God of Israel [the LORD]. They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.

Note: According to the above information, the LORD God destroyed Christianity before it came to be. Therefore, the creation of a ‘new testament’ was not authorized by the living God but the original Testament was and it was written by his true Prophets from the Beginning (Genesis) to the End (the Gospel according to John). As you will see, the true End is what reveals the Beginning. The final writing that was written by a true Prophet (Nicodemus the same Noah/Moses/Isaiah according to eternal life) was John + Thomas (his 2nd Book - the unsealed words) which he destroyed and I today was allowed to recreate it by using the Gospel of John (his 1st Book - the sealed words) and the Gospel of Thomas (his 3rd Book - the secret words) which have survived to this day.

     Thomas 27(19) Part 5 of John Chapter 4: if you keep not the Sabbath: Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me,4(34t) + a Sabbath: and to finish his work.4(34b)

     John 14(19): Yet a little while and the world seeth me no more: but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

     John 14(1-3): Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

     John 8(34-36): Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

     Thomas 92(29) Part 2 of John Chapter 17: after them: Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word [contained in John + Thomas];17(20)

     Thomas 95(35) Part 3 of John Chapter 17: if you have them + [*a blank line] + [*a blank line]: Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word [contained in *the Gospel of John and *the Gospel of Thomas];17(20)

Note: In 1897 and 1903 three-papyrus fragments from Greek copies of the Gospel of Thomas were discovered during archeological excavations on the site of an ancient town at Oxyrhynchus Egypt. Most of the papyrus documents found had been discarded in the ancient town’s garbage sites. According to John + Thomas, those three fragments are GARBAGE (words were added to Saying 2, 5, 30 and 36). The Sayings contained in the Gospel of Thomas are what the synoptic gospel writers used when creating their false gospels. They had no idea that the Sayings themselves had no value. The secret words which formed the Sayings will help reveal what the synoptic gospel writers turned upside down from the Gospel of John to fulfill their own desires. Now you know why three synoptic gospels were created (three against one to make the first last - the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John as we see them in the new testament).

According to John + Thomas, this world hasn’t known the Truth but now it will.

Thomas 37(34-1) Part 5 of John Chapter 1: then shall you know: And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. And I [John] knew him [Jesus] not: but he [the LORD] that sent me [Aaron] to baptize with water, the same [Adam] said unto me [Abel], Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same [Eve] is he [Jesus] which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.1(32-33) + the Son of the Living: And I [John the same Abel/Aaron] saw, and bare record that this [Jesus/Eve] is the Son of God.1(34)

Thomas 85(29-30) Part 1 of John Chapter 13: Jesus said, Adam: For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father [Lord Adam] which sent me [Lord Eve], he gave me a commandment, what I [Mother] should say, and what I [Son] should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I [the Son] speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me [the Mother], so I [the LORD] speak.12(49-50)

Thomas 96(2-3) Part 6 of John Chapter 16: Jesus said, the kingdom of the Father is like a woman: I [Lord Eve the Mother] came forth from the Father [Lord Adam], and am come into the world: again, I [Lord Jesus/Eve the Son] leave the world, and go to the Father [Lord Adam]. His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.16(28-29)

Thomas 92(29) Part 2 of John Chapter 17: after them: Neither pray I for these alone [Jesus’ chosen disciples], but for them also which shall believe on me through their word [contained in the 2nd unsealed book - John + Thomas];17(20)

Thomas 103(10) Part 8 of John Chapter 19: before they come in: And he [Nicodemus] that saw it bare record, and his record [contained in the 2nd unsealed book - John + Thomas] is true [written/created with the Holy Ghost]: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.19(35)

Thomas 113(17-18) Part 2 of John Chapter 20: is spread upon the earth: And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written [1 blank space and two blank lines/pages] in this book [the 3rd book- the Gospel according to Thomas]: But these are written [the 1st book - the Gospel according to John], that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing [the 2nd unsealed book - John + Thomas (not spread upon the earth)] ye might have life through his name [Lord Eve].20(30-31) + and men: After these things Jesus shewed himself again [the third time] to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself [Lord Eve the Mother of all living]. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee,21(1-2t) + do not see it: and the sons of Zebedee [revealed in the Gospel of Thomas - James and Matthew], and two other of his disciples [revealed in the Gospel of John not openly but secretly - Nicodemus and Lazarus].21(2b)

Thomas (Prologue + Saying 1) Part 1 of John Chapter 21: These are the secret words: And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book [the 3rd book - the Gospel according to Thomas]:20(30) + which the Living Jesus spoke: But these are written [the 1st book - the Gospel according to John], that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing [the 2nd book - John + Thomas (not spread upon the earth)] ye might have life through his name [Lord Eve].20(31) + and Didymos Judas Thomas [3/1/5 - 1/5/3] wrote: After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself [Lord Eve the Mother of all living]. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee [James and Matthew], and two other of his disciples [Nicodemus the author and Lazarus].21(1-2) + And Jesus [Lord Eve the Mother] said: Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing. But when the morning was now come, Jesus [Lord Eve the Mother] stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.21(3-5) + whoever finds the explanation for these secret words [Didymos (3) Judas (1) Thomas (5)]: And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find [315 - 153].21(6t) + will not: They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes [153 - secret number].21(6b) + taste death: Therefore that disciple [Lazarus] whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord.21(7t) [Note: All this will be explained in Section 2 - John Chapter 21 + Thomas - Part 1. As you will see, I only place information [within brackets] that has been revealed as true according to the eyewitness testimony Nicodemus gave in his fist book - the Gospel of John and confirmed by his second - John + Thomas.]

This is my INTRODUCTION. If you would like to see All my research material pertaining to John + Thomas, you will find it on my research website at Here you will see a banner across the top containing HOME, INTRODUCTION and JOHN CHAPTERS 1-21 + Thomas. Just click on what you would like to see. If you have any questions you can contact me by email at

END of INTRODUCTION - Copyright © Peter T. Lucyk (2007-2024) - My task is now completed (July 3, 2022)